Dr. Stoxx Options Letter

The Dr. Stoxx Options Letter is the #1 ranked service on Marketfy! Daily market and options trades, with exact entry and exits. FREE Options 101 Webinar for all subscribers. Trade types include: straight calls and puts, naked puts, covered calls, and index credit spreads. Perfect for those new to options.


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Ratings & Reviews

55 Ratings

About Dr. Thomas Carr

Dr. Thomas K. Carr (aka “Dr Stoxx”) is the Founder and CEO of DrStoxx.com (formerly “Befriend the Trend Trading”). He also serves as Chief Investment Strategist for Street Authority. He holds M.Phil. and D.Phil. degrees from the University of Oxfo…

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Average rating based on 55 user ratings


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letter is great

No yacking and debate just solid option trade ideas from a pro

The Service is mediocre at best... After 4 months, don't see the value. No profits. Most trades lose valued immediately.

I have subscribed to this letter ,but no email or text communication so far , No trade updates what so ever

Great service!!


I do not leave reviews that often, but I have never seen returns like this before in my account. His work is amazing and recommend it to anyone who's serious about investing.

Good one... But there are some picks with no stop , incurs Max loss (short selling puts)

Excellent results.

I have generated good profits since I started trading with Dr Stoxx recommendations. I dont follow all of them due to my portfolio size. Also I check the charts to see which ones I want to take. My portfolio has been up by 15% in the past two months.

Dr Stoxx is the real deal. Great customer service and even greater returns.



I think it's great (have seen it for 3 days now) but I seem to get it late in the day. Are these alerts ever issued in the morning?

Most of your naked options trades don't do small traders any good at all.